Thursday 8 January 2015

A New, 'Agar Embedding Method' for Eliminating Bacterial Contamination in Plant Tissue Culture

Bacterial contamination is a major problem in plant tissue culture, resulting in loss of experimental strains or preventing use of field-collected isolates. Plant scientists (Carey et al, 2015) from the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA developed an 'agar embedding method' for eliminating bacteria from experimental cultures of the mosses Ceratodon purpureus and Physcomitrella patens. They blended moss protonema that had been inoculated with bacteria and embedded the cell fragments in antibiotic-containing, low-concentration agar. The plants were placed in a growth chamber and allowed to grow until the moss grew out of the media. The plants were then transferred to new plates and observed for contamination. The embedding method consistently outperformed standard procedures. The embedding method places moss in direct contact with antibiotics, arresting bacterial replication and allowing moss to outgrow contamination. They expects this method will prove valuable for other plants capable of clonal propagation by blending. The detailed methodology and results were published online in the journal 'Applications in Plant Sciences'

Protocol for Petri dish–sized embedding method;
Carey et al, 2015

Reference: Carey Sarah B., Adam C. Payton and Stuart F. McDaniel. 2015. A Method for Eliminating Bacterial Contamination from in Vitro Moss Cultures. Applications in Plant Sciences 3(1):1400086.

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